
to Velicia! :D

to my precious friend, velicia! :D

Happy Birthday, dear! love yaa…


aurell :))


time for me

This time is really the time for me,
to choose my college or university.
to choose to be a hardworker or not.
to choose someone who can be trusted.
to choose my life, my own life.
to make some obvious decisions.
to make out some opinions.
to make some new friends.
to make all the problems clear (I hope I can).
to have more and more quality time and good conversations w/ my best friends.
to have more courage in life.
to have more faith.
to be myself rather being FAKE just to please people.
to be me.
to love myself..


Yay! it's a POST!!

it's been a while so long since my last post..

I'm supposed to be in a good mood right now..
I just passed from grade 11th to 12th,
I had a pretty-long-holiday about 1 month to cover my sleep deprivation,
I just celebrated my 17th birthday with my lovely friends and family,
had a wonderful memory and time,
someone will come to Jakarta soon,
and I have a very wonderful friends :)
Thanks God..
that was so wonderful,

but some thoughts and problems come to my mind, come to me,,
made me feel so miserable..
maybe i'm just being to sensitive..
think that i can't solve them one by one, making me feel so pathetic..

maybe i need something to made my mind clear..
try hard to solve them and be friend with them..
or maybe i need someone to talk with,, hmm..

I don't want to run away from them,,
i had to confront and deal with them.. *semangat membara*
harus kucoba..!
hahaha :D


so-random thoughts

Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Kouweki.. :p
(read : koeki) ;DD
Happy sweet 17th,, 07.04.2010
*i just updated this blog so, sorry for the late "Happy Birthday". hahaha*

i just had some random thoughts a couple days ago..
which makes my emotion rapidly changing and made me feel so stupid and silly,
i didn't have any clues why all those so-random-silly-and-stupid things crossed my mind..

i think i really need a vacation..
or something to waste my time (not with online i think, i'm getting bored with those sites)
and feel so sorry to bujur that I'm so rarely updating this blog..
I feel lil' bit confused with those thought and i don't know which thought should i post here?
or nor anythoughts?

ok, nowadays i think i feel lil' bit jealous and lonely..
i know that we're growing..
we have different way to live, different way to be happy,
different way to anything.. and different path to choose..
but, can we just stopped for a while to see or to talk like yesterday? like one-time ago?
i miss u all.. so badly.. :(
some of you too busy with your boyfriend/girlfriend..
some of you too busy with your other-friends, or maybe other-best-friends..
some of you get stuck with those homeworks and exams..
some of you too busy with your pet..
and anything else..
i know that i'm too selfish..
but, all humans have a selfish side, right?
but i can't and not have any rights to impose u all.. haha..

maybe i'm just too exaggerate..

*oh.. I'm so pathetic hahaha*


I ♥ this one ;D

Spongebob : "What do you usually do when I'm gone?"
Patrick : "Wait for you to come back."

how sweet and naive Patrick is..! ;))

♥♥♥♥♥Align Center


Human Nature..

a few days ago, cesca ask me a question..
"Which is more frightening? the things that you can see or the things that you can't see?"

and I answered..

"The things that i can see!"

and when I asked her, she answered "The things that she can't see", because when we can't see them.. we don't know what do they do..
*a ghost or else maybe*
we can't see them, we can't feel them. but maybe they can attack us? =="
then why i choose the things that i can see?


I'm afraid of HUMAN NATURE,
of HUMAN itself,
and I'm afraid of MYSELF,

Human is the most unexpected creatures..
manusia itu bener-bener sulit ditebak..
kita tidak akan tau apa yg dipikirkannya,
apakah ia sedang berbohong ato mengatakan yg sebenarnya..
kadang manusia bisa tiba-tiba menangis, marah, ato bahagia tanpa suatu alasan yg jelas.

walau manusia itu adalah makhluk hidup yg memiliki akal.
terkadang mereka bahkan tidak menggunakan akal mereka untuk berpikir dan bertindak..
aneh bukan?

yah, manusia buat gw sendiri itu makhluk yang sangat misterius dan menakutkan.
jujur gw gak berani mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang manusia,
gw rasa itu akan lebih menyeramkan daripada melihat gambar sekumpulan hewan buas yg mebunuh manusia, mungkin saja mereka membunuh karena merasa tempat tinggalnya sudah dirusak, sudah diusik.
dan bukankah sekarang juga banyak manusia yg memakan manusia lain?
dan bahkan penjualan roti yg berbentuk bagian-bagian tubuh manusia itu laku keras..
membuat gw semakin takut dengan manusia.. haha..

lucu juga loh kalau berhasil mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya dipikirkan manusia.
mungkin seseorang yg bisa membaca pikiran mengetahuinya?
tapi gw gak gitu tertarik c.. gw takut buat mengetahui sebenarnya.
takut menghadapi kenyataan..
tapi beginilah manusia, beginilah saya..
tidak ada yg sempurna..

anw, temanku yg bernama Yehezkiel Jefferson ini meminta untuk memasukkan link nya di blog ini..
dan terima kasih sudah memasukkan nama gw di blog u! hahaha ;D
klik disini :DD

dan maaf atas postingan yg sedikit "weird" ini..
seharian didepan komputer bikin kepala pusing.. @@
*tapi maksa posting ,yeeee*


Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.. :DD

a quick post today (not really a quick post i think haha) and a big smile!
YES!! a big big smile..! xD
i can't wait to see this movie tomorrow with my 42nd's friends,
and a day after tomorrow with my lovely cesca..
really really can't wait..
ohh, i Tim Burton, i Alice in Wonderland, i Johnny Depp, and
i Madhatter!!

gw gak tau kenapa, tapi waktu pertama x liat gambar Alice in Wonderland di Cinemagz..
gw langsung jatuh cinta sama Madhatter! walau dengan tampang yg sedikit unik,
tapi seperti ada sesuatu yg menarik gituuu..
dan ternyataaaa...
dia itu,,
Johnny Depp!
pantesan aja gw langsung jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertamaaaa~~
dan gw amat sangat gak sabar untuk menyaksikan film ini BESOK!

YAY!! xD

here's the Madhatter..

dan ini si abang ganteng.. *kyaaaaa* xD

i can't stop screaming!! wohhoooooooo!!! xD

aaah,, besok cepatlah datang, ulangan Geo cepatlah usai,
and Yuhuuu!! Aliceee, I'm comiiiing!!